This file contains late-breaking information that was not available when the printed documentation went to press. Please read this file before you begin working with Aldus Persuasion 2.1. We also recommend that you print a copy of this file and keep it with your Aldus Persuasion User Manual.
• When opening a Persuasion 2.1 file in Persuasion 2.0, the error message that appears should read: “This document was created in a later version of Persuasion and cannot be opened.” Persuasion 2.0 cannot read files created in Persuasion 2.1.
• When opening Mac Persuasion 2.0 files in 2.1, the line and paragraph spacing are likely to change, depending on the font being used. Mac Persuasion 2.1 uses a method for calculating line spacing that allows for compatibility with presentations created using Persuasion 2.1 for Windows. The following section in the ReadMe contains a description of new line spacing functionality.
• To preserve the line spacing you set in 2.0, you will need to open the file from within the 2.0 version of Persuasion. If you do open it in a later version, though, be sure to view each slide to determine if the line spacing needs adjustment.
• Chapter 3, p. 82
The “Line spacing” dialog box described in the manual is incorrect. A new dialog box allows you to set line spacing in text blocks on slides, note pages, or masters. Each bullet item in a text block is a separate paragraph. You can specify different spacing settings for each paragraph.
You can specify line spacing in points or a percentage of character size. You can also set before and after spacing in points for each paragraph. If you prefer a fixed amount of space between your lines, use points. If you’d rather let the system vary the spacing according to character size, use a percentage.
You can set spacing on a single paragraph, a range of paragraphs within a text block, for an entire text block, or for multiple text blocks at once, depending on your selection.
To set line spacing, make your selection and choose the “Line spacing” item from the Text menu. Specify the amount of fixed spacing you want or enter a percentage to allow the system to apply spacing related to the currently specified point size. When you press OK, all paragraphs in your selection will assume the new spacing.
To set before or after paragraph spacing, make your selection and choose the “Line spacing” item from the Text menu. Specify the amount of fixed spacing you want above or below, or both, for all paragraphs in your selection. When you press “OK,” all paragraphs in your selection will assume the new spacing.
Note: Spacing for placeholder text is set by position for the paragraph in the text block; it is not set on the text in the paragraph. For example, when you specify spacing settings for the second paragraph of a text block, those settings remain with the second paragraph, regardless of the text you enter. So when you modify text in the outline that fills the second paragraph, spacing settings used on the slide still come from the second paragraph of the text block. Likewise, if you move an outline unit so that it fills the second paragraph position, the slide paragraph specifications are taken from the second paragraph of the text block. Similarly, if you copy outline units from one location and paste them to another, the line spacing settings adopted on the slide come from the destination paragraph positions.
• You can select an individual slide or group of slides in the Slide Sorter, choose “Cut” or “Copy” from the Edit menu, and then paste the slides into the Slide Sorter of another presentation.
• To delete slides from a presentation, select the slide or group of slides and then choose “Clear” from the Edit menu.
• When you print a graphic that was drawn using the freehand tool, the vertices are smoothed to rounded corners.
• When running Persuasion 2.1 under System 6, using the “Cut” or “Copy” commands may leave temporary files in the “Aldus Folder” folder of the System folder . The names used for these temporary files are constructed from the name of the presentation followed by a three digit number. You can safely delete these files to recover disk space once the copy operation is complete. These files are also created under System 7, but System 7 deletes these files to the trash for you whenever you restart your system.
• If you can save a presentation from another presentation program, such as Microsoft PowerPoint, as a Scrapbook file, you can convert it to a Persuasion presentation using the following procedure:
1. In the “Import” dialog box, select the Scrapbook file that you want to convert. Then click “OK.”
2. In the “Choose master elements” dialog box, select the slide that is most representative of the presentation format and then check “Create master from this slide.”
3. Select the element on the slide that you want to be the model for the title placeholder on the master and click “Title.”
4. Repeat step 3 to specify subtitle, body text, and slide number placeholders as well as static elements. Static elements appear on all slides to which the master is applied.
5. To see what status has been assigned to each element on the slide, click the “Show” button for that element type.
6. Start at the beginning of the popup menu and go through each slide, deciding whether to apply the new master to that slide. Uncheck “Slide uses created master” for every slide you don’t want to apply the new master to. If you skip this step, Persuasion uses the slide specified in the Scrapbook presentation as the model for the master and automatically applies the master it creates to all slides.
7. Click “OK” to create and apply the new master, or click “Cancel” to close the dialog box without making a master.
• Chapter 6, p. 226
You can add a slide number placeholder to a slide master, a notes master, and a background master.
• You can specify the starting page number in the “Preferences” dialog box. (Choose “Preferences...” from the File menu.)
• Persuasion 2.0 allowed DiskDoubler compressed files to appear in the Persuasion Open dialog file list. However, Persuasion 2.1 must first open the file to access some document information in order to display the file in the list. Since the DiskDoubler file is compressed, the application cannot access that information so Persuasion 2.1 does not recognize the file as a Persuasion file. You must first decompress the DiskDoubler file for it to appear in the Open dialog list. Note: Files compressed using AutoDoubler will display in the Open dialog list.
• If you import a graphic that is not saved at a 72-dpi resolution, the size of the bounding box handles will be larger than the size of the actual object. If you ungroup the graphic, it will expand to fill the area of the bounding box and distort the graphic. If you have ungrouped the graphic in Persuasion, you can group the graphic, resize it, and then ungroup it again to restore the dimensions.
• You can export slides as PICTs or to the Scrapbook, so you can import them into other applications or back into Persuasion 2.1. You can also export slides to the Persuasion Player format.
• The “Export” dialog box on screen will differ from the graphic in the Aldus Persuasion User Manual.
• The “Art show” file, referred to on the Art of Persuasion card, does not exist in Persuasion 2.1.
• Getting Started, p. 16
You will find the Aldus Installer/Utility file in the Utilities folder in the Aldus folder on your hard disk.
• AutoTemplates with designs similar to Persuasion for Windows AutoTemplates have the extension, “.at2.” If you want AutoTemplates that are identical to Persuasion for Windows AutoTemplates, you need to choose them from the “PC compatible” folder, which is in the “AutoTemplate” folder in the “Persuasion 2.1” folder.
• Chapter 3, p. 90
Because polygons are so frequently used without fill patterns, Persuasion always uses a default fill of “None” for the polygon and freeform tools, regardless of the presentation defaults. To apply a fill pattern to a polygon, select the polygon, and then choose a fill pattern from the “Fill pattern” submenu. To draw a polygon with a fill pattern, select the polygon or freeform tool, choose a fill pattern from the “Fill pattern” submenu, and then draw the polygon.
• Chapter 3, p. 92
In order to import a Windows Metafile into Persuasion, the file must contain the extension “.WMF.”
• Chapter 3, p. 98
You need to ungroup an imported PICT graphic before you can save it as an interchange file.
• Chapter 3, pp. 123–124
If you have saved a presentation that has a white fill for the foreground fill pattern, opening the file may change the slide so that it has a background color rather than a foreground color. To apply a foreground color of white, select the slide, choose the black fill pattern to select a solid foreground, and then choose “white.”
• Chapter 4, pp. 130–131
If you plot certain sets of numbers in a pie chart, the chart may redraw improperly. Any set of numbers that causes two wedges to intersect at the three o’clock and/or nine o’clock positions may create this drawing error. If you plan to display the chart at a magnified view or have it imaged as a 35mm slide, you should scale and magnify the pie chart, and then inspect the twelve o'clock position. If you see a superimposed image (such as a misplaced, partial pie wedge), change the data slightly by moving the position of the numbers so that the data sheet configuration is different. Replot the pie chart until the superimposed image disappears.
• Chapter 4, p. 164
You cannot change the format of numbers displayed in a table. You can only change the format of numbers displayed in a chart.
• Chapter 4, p. 169
You cannot resize a table vertically unless you first cut and paste it to disconnect the table from the data sheet. If you want to replot the table, you need to delete it, plot a new table, cut and paste it, and then resize it vertically. You can also scale a table vertically using the “Line spacing” dialog box. (Choose “Line spacing” from the Text menu.) In the "Line spacing" dialog box, type in a smaller percentage next to the “Auto” option to scale down the table vertically.
• Chapter 6, p. 221
If you enter a number larger than 32 for the “Default number of series” option in the “Add chart placeholder” dialog box, the program will alert you with an error beep.
• Chapter 6, p. 228
Anchoring a title or subtitle placeholder is tied to the text alignment. Therefore, placeholders containing left-aligned text have only one horizontal setting available, “Left.” If the text is right aligned, the available horizontal setting is “Right,” and if the text is center aligned, the available horizontal setting is “Center.”
• Chapter 7, p. 255
When you are ready for final production, be sure to check the “Background fill” option in the “Print” dialog box.
• Chapter 7, p. 261
In Outline view, click anywhere in a slide title or text, or select multiple outline units to apply a transition effect. You can also select a slide or multiple slides in Slide Sorter view.
• Chapter 7, p. 262
If you have an automatic or manual slide show running and the Caps Lock key is down, the transition effects will be disabled.
• Chapter 7, p. 264
The presentations will open in alphabetical order.
• Chapter 7, p. 266
To display the next layer in a slide show, press the Up arrow. To display the previous slide in a slide show, press the Down arrow.
• Page 8 of the Guide to Transferring Presentations
Step 4 should tell you to give the interchange file a name with a “.PRF” extension when saving it.